Use "whoop|whoops" in a sentence

1. 22 No, no. It was a whoop, whoop, whoop ! - How about this: Whoosh! - Yikes! Who said that?

2. Whoops! Careful, you almost spilt coffee everywhere.

3. 15 Pump your fist in the air and go Whoop Whoop!

4. Whoops, that was a mistake.

5. Whoops! I nearly dropped it.

6. Whoops! That's the second time I've spilt coffee today!

7. Whoops! There was a problem previewing Gr.10ToetsFinansiesenAnalities.PDF.

8. They were letting out regular war whoops.”

9. Whoops - ironjustice has already straightened you out.

10. Whoops, sorry. Did I hurt your hand?

11. Sure, we could eat vegans. Whoops!

12. Whoops! I nearly dropped the tray.

13. 11 He lifted a war whoop.

14. 10 Who dares whoop it up here?

15. Not this dad, critic, investor whoops, what was that?

16. Expect whoops of absurd self-congratulation if they do.

17. They opened the parcel with whoops of delight.

18. Whoops, you weren't supposed to hear that.

19. Whoops, you just dribbled right into a double team.

20. McMurphy whoops and drags me standing, pounding my back.

21. Whoops, sorry sex is that English forbidden word.

22. Whoops, it's past I'd better be off home.

23. 8 Let's whoop it up -- the boss is gone!

24. They take off to the whoops and claps of the support crews.

25. 14 Let's go to the party and whoop it up.

26. There are whoops and PLUR messages at every opportunity.

27. Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.

28. Miniature Bastard is a seriously tightly-wound package of whoop ass

29. She put a whoop ass on Maggie and her penguin.

30. 13 The war whoop of the American Indian was bloodcurdling.

31. 9 Every spring they whoop it up for the circus.

32. I was waiting for another piglet and whoops, there it was.

33. 12 Everybody is planning to whoop it up this weekend.

34. Whoops! There was a problem previewing Gr.10ToetsTrig,Analities,transformasie.PDF

35. During her house party, Roberta plays "Whoop That Trick", by Al Kapone.

36. 18 He gave a whoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle.

37. 16 He did not have inspiratory whoop or post- tussive syncope or vomiting.

38. 1 She gave a whoop of delight and dived into the water.

39. Synonyms for Ahems include coughs, hacks, rasps, croaks, croups, wheezes, bark, hems and whoops

40. 24 He did not have inspiratory whoop or post- tussive syncope or vomiting.

41. Demonstrators whoop and holler as colleagues receive gifts ... a Tupperware colander ... an Oriental rug.

42. Whoops! There was a problem previewing Abutter-Notification-Form-Virtual-Update-2020.pdf

43. When the whoops and cheers had finally died down he started to speak.

44. 29 When the land was seen, the sailor let out a whoop of joy.

45. These are the little air- guns which contribute to make the ice crack and whoop.

46. He and his assistants hung around shopping malls and city streets, eavesdropping on whoops and hoots.

47. There's a xylophone on the title track, and whoops and cheers are littered throughout the album.

48. 7 Demonstrators whoop and holler as colleagues receive gifts ... a Tupperware colander ... an Oriental rug.

49. 23 The results showed that well - managed whoop hoop houses can grow high - quality crops.

50. 24 The rugby team likes to whoop it up after a match, especially if they win.

51. The Republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees.

52. Pulsating synth crawls out of the fug, before thunderous battlefield tom-toms decorated by shocked electronic whoops.

53. 30 These are the little air - guns which contribute to make the ice crack and whoop.

54. 17 The Republicans made a great whoop and a hollar about the honesty of federal employees.

55. You'd walk into a pub in one and, Whoop! some one wanted to try it on.

56. 20 He later a whoop of joy as he approached a microphone to address the crowd.

57. 19 The Republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees.

58. 4 You'd walk into a pub in one and, Whoop! some one wanted to try it on.

59. A fire truck or an ambulance whoops somewhere beyond the window, adding cruelly to my unease.

60. 28 The big problem for anybody watching the opening ceremony must have been suppressing whoops of hysterical laughter.

61. Whooping cough makes children cough so hard , they run out of breath and inhale with a " whoop . "

62. 3 She turned on the tap and gave a whoop of delight as water cascaded forth, hot and plentiful.

63. He and his assistants hung around shopping malls and city streets, eavesdropping on whoops and hoots.

64. The big problem for anybody watching the opening ceremony must have been suppressing whoops of hysterical laughter.

65. With a whoop he leapt over a huge spreading puddle where a drain was blocked with litter.

66. Butterfingers Challenge Plugin Whoops, my sword slipped! Basically a plugin that has a chance to make your hands turn into butter

67. A moment later we heard a splash and a squeal, more splashing, a flutter of duck, whoops of delight.

68. One would have thought it was a doubloon from his triumphant whoops, which attracted the attention of the toddler.

69. 2 With a whoop he leapt over a huge spreading puddle where a drain was blocked with litter.

70. A series of whoops came from round the pit, followed by a shout and a gabble of voices.

71. It was a great wordless whoop that echoed round the Castle, and Ruth saw all the spears swerve towards them.

72. 5 While David's comrades whoop with joy at his victory, the hero feels shame at carrying Goliath's severed head.

73. When we passed a small shrine by the side of the track everyone let out an almighty whoop of greeting.

74. It behoves the sceptics among us to listen and argue rather than to whoop with delight at the superficial difficulties.

75. 25 When we passed a small shrine by the side of the track everyone let out an almighty whoop of greeting.

76. 26 It behoves the sceptics among us to listen and argue rather than to whoop with delight at the superficial difficulties.

77. He hugged them both, settled into his chair, and then with a “whoop!” he took off again with a big smile.

78. 6 It was a great wordless whoop that echoed round the Castle, and Ruth saw all the spears swerve towards them.

79. After being accosted and called ‘Beaners,’ the Latino couple opens up a can of whoop behind and sends the Klan couple bact to their car shirtless

80. 28 In future, as newspaper fade and change, will politicians therefore burgle their opponents' offices with impunity, and corporate villains whoop as they trample over their victims ?